June 15-17, 2023, District 2 4-H hosted Power Camp at High Plains Retreat Center in conjunction with District 1 4-H. Power Camp is for incoming 8th graders – graduating seniors. This year, 49 District 2 4-H members attended. One thing that makes Power Camp special is the partnership with Xcel Energy. For 68 years Xcel Energy has helped sponsor this camp. Xcel employees attend camp and lead electrical and renewable energy workshops. This is one of the longest standing partnerships in Texas 4-H! Continue reading to learn more about what happens at Power Camp.
The campers are divided into 4 groups to rotate with throughout camp. These groups are OHMS, WATTS, VOLTS, & AMPS. The groups create their own flags and spirit chants. The groups also enjoy friendly (but very competitive) games of “capture the flag.”

Workshops & Activities:
- Electrical Circuits – Xcel leads this workshop and teaches campers the basics of wiring. The campers divide into groups and build a full electrical circuit themselves!
- Renewable Energy – Xcel also leads this workshop that teaches campers about renewable energy sources and how they can be sustainably used. This year, campers assembled solar suitcases that can be sent overseas to provide energy in remote villages.
- Etiquette – Agents shared valuable tips with campers regarding dining etiquette, social etiquette and cyber etiquette using a Jeopardy format!
- Egg Drop – Agents facilitated and egg drop where campers had limited supplies to creatively make a capsule for their egg to withstand a 15-foot drop. We saw lots of creative parachutes!
- Other fun outdoor activities included: Ropes Course, Archery, Swimming, and Gaga Ball.
- Quiz Bowl – A fun tradition we have is hosting a Quiz Bowl on the last night before the dance. The 4 teams compete against each other in hopes of making it to the final round. The questions range from questions about electricity and energy, to questions about 4-H and WILD CARD questions! This is always a very high-energy and entertaining competition.
- Dances – It just isn’t a 4-H Camp without a dance! Each night we had a dance and s’mores! There were some really fun costumes the last night for the “Groovy” themed dance.
- Vespers – Vespers are a reflective time we carve out each evening to reflect on the day and connect the things we are learning at camp with how they relate to “the real world.” Current District Council Officers lead the vespers each night!
College Fair:
For the first time ever, we hosted a college fair the first night of Power Camp! We considered it a major success and are proud to have offered an opportunity for high school 4-H members to explore college options and ask questions to college recruiters!
Thank you to the following colleges for taking the time to join us:
- West Texas A&M University
- Texas A&M University
- Texas Tech University
- Wayland Baptist University
- Clarendon College
- South Plains College

District Council Officer Elections:
During Camp each district elects their new slate of District Council Officers for the upcoming 4-H year. The candidates submit application prior to camp, arrive early to camp to complete an interview, each candidate leads campers in an icebreaker game of their choosing, and then gives a speech in front of their district. Each county is allowed 2 voting delegates. The votes are combined with the application score, interview score, and a speech score to determine the officer team.
Congratulations to the 2023-2024 District 2 4-H Council Officers:
- President: CW Johnson, Swisher County – will also serve on Texas 4-H Council
- 1st Vice President: Brindle Harper, Lamb County – will also serve on Texas 4-H Council
- 2nd Vice President: Kyndra Messer, Lubbock County
- 3rd Vice President: Mason Hart, Hale County
- Secretary/Treasurer: Reagan Stokes, Lubbock County
- Public Relations Officer: Sydni Chesshir, Floyd County
- Student Advisor: Whitley Anderson, Scurry County
Key Takeaway:
Night 1 of camp is when Perryton was tragically experiencing a tornado. The Xcel employees had to leave camp immediately to go help in Perryton. The next morning I explained the situation to our campers and told them that unfortunately we would not be able to complete the Xcel workshops. This forced us to change the schedule of our camp and have to come up with some activities on the fly. The 4-H members took it in stride, never once complaining, as they fully understood the magnitude of the situation. We all joined in a moment of silence and prayer for the Perryton community. That is what made me the proudest of our 4-H members!