Duds to Dazzle

2023-24 District 2 4-H
Duds to Dazzle


Tuesday April 30, 2024 Senior Contest

Tuesday May 14, 2024 Junior/Intermediate Contest

Location: Christ the King School (4011 54th St, Lubbock)
Entry Fee: $15
4-H Online: Opens: April 1, 2024  Closes: April 15, 2024
Counties may set alternate registration deadlines.  Please check with your County for their deadlines.
Event Time:

Senior Contest Tuesday, April 30, 2024

 12:40 p.m.       Check-in

12:50 p.m.       Orientation

1:00 p.m.         Contest begins

2:05 p.m.         Presentations/Judging begins


Junior/Intermediate Contest  Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Round 1 (Intermediate teams)

9:00 a.m.         Check-in

9:15 a.m.         Orientation

9:25 a.m.         Contest begins

10:30 a.m.       Presentations/Judging begins

Round 2 (Junior teams)

11:00 a.m.       Check-in

11:15 a.m.       Orientation

11:25 a.m.       Contest begins

12:30 p.m.       Presentations/Judging begin

Contest Letter :

2024 Duds to Dazzle letter updated

See links in Letter for Resources

For More Information, Contact: Melode Watson, (806) 675-2347 or melode.watson@ag.tamu.edu

Study Resources:


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